To mark the occasion of International Museum Day, an online programme called ‘Chitra Srijan Yatra’ was organised by Madhya Pradesh Department of Culture on Monday, May 18 2020. The presentations of Bhil artist Pema Fatya’s creations were showcased as a part of it under the program called “Pranam”. It involved the process of his art creation, his paintings and work, his journey and discussions related to his art form.
Pema Fatya, a senior painter of Bhil Janata Pithora style painting, was born in Bhabhara in Alirajpur district of Madhya Pradesh and passed away on 5 April 2020 in his hometown of Jhabua, where he spent his whole life. He was counted amongst the country’s biggest artists. His work in Pithora paintings adorn the walls of Madhya Pradesh Tribal Folk Art Academy (Adivasi Lok Kala Academy, Bhopal), Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum- Bhopal, Bharat Bhawan- Bhopal, Indira Gandhi National Human Museum (Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalya, Bhopal), Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts-Delhi and Cultural Regional/ Zonal Centres of Government of India.
This activity dedicated to Shri Fatya’s past work and his lifelive was telecasted from 8 pm on MP Tribal Museum Madhya Padesh’s YouTube channel.
It is to be noted that International Museum Day is an international day held every year on/ around May 18, coordinated by the International Council of Museums.
The program can be accessed at the following link :