Indian FMCG giant Dabur will invest INR 500 Crore for setting up a manufacturing unit in Smart Industrial Park (SIP) in Pithampur, it was proposed recently.
According to an official of MPIDC (Madhya Pradesh Industry Development Corporation), Dabur has bought 13.5 hectare land in SIP and has deposited partial payment to the state government. It will manufacture food products like chyawanprash and others in the facility. It will eventually pump more investment depending on the development of the facility as well as providing employment to about 1000 individuals, both, in phases.
Dabur already has a plant facility in the region, located in sector 3 of Pithampur.
SIP is the USP of the state industry department in which 67 plots have been booked by various industries, out of a total of 92. The area is well developed and provides a fully equipped and supportive ecosystem to industries. The department is looking forward to some more fresh SIP investments from automobile, food processing and pharmaceutical companies who have visited the region and are in touch with department authorities to set up their manufacturing facilities.
MPIDC, Indore had allotted land to 89 industries in the financial year 2019-20 and has earned INR 250 Crore from premium development cost charged on these fresh land allotments. Companies like Adroit Driveshafts Pvt Ltd, H & H Healthcare and Cosmetics Pvt Ltd have already purchased their land in SIP.